Corporate Governance

Maximizing our shareholder value legally, ethically and on a sustainable basis.

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Our Philosophy

Reports and everything else

We are committed to good corporate governance and comply in all material with respect to the requirements specified in Listing Regulations. The company endeavours to ensure that highest standards of ethical and responsible conduct are met. This is ensured by taking ethical business decisions and conducting business with a firm commitment to values, while meeting stakeholders’ expectations.


At Pidilite, it is imperative that our company affairs are managed in a fair and transparent manner. This is vital to gain and retain the trust of our stakeholders. Our corporate governance framework ensures effective engagement with our stakeholders and helps us evolve with changing times.

Policy on Board Diversity

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Credit Rating Letter

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Details of CSR Projects

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Familiarisation Programme for Independent Directors

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Contact Details of Authorised Persons

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Composition of Committees

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Code For Fair Disclosure of UPSI

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Policy For Determining Material Subsidiary

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Dividend Distribution Policy

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Policy on Determination of Materiality of Events

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Archival Policy

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Remuneration Policy

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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

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Whistle Blower Policy

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Company’s policy on Related Party Transactions

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POSH Policy

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Draft Appointment Letter of ID

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The Directors and Senior Management personnel of the Company shall adhere to the following code of conduct as per Insider Trading Guidelines:

Shall act in accordance with the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty and ethical conduct.

  • Shall be independent in their judgement and actions.
  • Shall exercise due care and diligence in performance of their duties.
  • Shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
  • Shall not allow their personal interest to conflict with the interest of the Company. In the event of there being a conflict of interest and duty, they should make full disclosure of all facts and circumstances thereof to the Board of Directors.
  • Shall maintain the confidentiality of the information of the Company received/obtained by them in the course of their position as Director/Employee of the Company except when disclosure is authorized or legally mandated and not use confidential information for their own advantage or profit.
  • Shall use best endeavours to protect the Company’s assets and property and ensure its efficient use.
  • Shall not derive any personal benefit (including without limitation through the use of Company’s property, assets, information, or position except that which they are lawfully entitled to.
  • Shall not compete directly with the business of the Company or with any business that the Company is considering to establish.
  • The Independent Directors shall abide by Section 166 and Schedule IV(III) of the Companies Act, 2013, which details duties of the Independent Directors.

Employee Code of Conduct:

All employees will adhere to the law of the land, the employee code of conduct is available on the company intranet.

  • 2024-25

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  • 2022-23

  • 2021-22

  • 2020-21

  • 2019-20

  • 2018-19

  • 2017-18

  • 2016-17

  • 2015-16

  • 2014-15

  • 2013-14

  • 2012-13

  • 2011-12

  • 2010-11

Transfer of shares – Newspaper advertisement – 17.04.2024

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IEPF – Unclaimed Dividends – 2017 to 2023

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Financial Year 2023-24

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Unclaimed Dividend Financial Year 2022-23

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Financial Year 2022-23

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IEPF – Unclaimed Dividends 2016 To 2022

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Transfer Of Shares Newspaper Advt- 12.05.2023

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Transfer Of Shares Newspaper Advt- 06.01.2023

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IEPF – Unclaimed Dividends (Interim) 2016 To 2022

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Unclaimed Dividend Financial Year 2021-22

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Financial Year 2021-22

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Transfer Of Shares Newspaper Advt- 24.05.2022

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IEPF – Unclaimed Dividends 2015 To 2021

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Transfer Of Shares To IEPF-2013-14

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Unclaimed Dividend Financial Year 2020-21

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Financial Year 2020-21

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Transfer Of Shares Newspaper Advt-26.04.2021

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IEPF – Unclaimed Dividends 2014 To 2020

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Unclaimed (Interim) Dividend Financial Year 2019-20

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IEPF – Unclaimed Dividends 12-13 To 19-20

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Transfer Of Shares Newspaper Advt 14.05.2020

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Transfer Of Shares To IEPF – 2012-13

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Financial Year 2019-20

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Financial Year 2018-19

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Unclaimed Dividend Financial Year 2018-19

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Transfer Of Shares Newspaper Advt 01-02-2019

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IEPF- Unclaimed Dividends 11-12 To 18-19

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Transfer Of Shares To IEPF – 2011-12

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Unclaimed Dividend Financial Year 2017-18

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IEPF- Unclaimed Dividends 10-11 To 17-18

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Transfer Of Shares Newspaper Advt 06-06-2018

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Transfer Of Shares To IEPF – 2010-11

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Financial Year – 2017-18

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Transfer Of Shares Newspaper Advt 15-07-2017

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IEPF – Unclaimed Dividends 09-10 To 16-17

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Unclaimed Dividend Financial Year 2016-17

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IEPF – Notice Business Standard Mumbai

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IEPF – Notice Sakal Mumbai

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IEPF – Unclaimed Dividends 08-09 To 15-16

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